Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This blog has really died...

...hasn't it? Read More......

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Food, Food, Everywhere!

Food, Food, there's magic in the air!

It's been a while since I've posted. I haven't had much to tell you about lately, I suppose that's a good thing. Either way, I've decided to share with you some of my tastier meals of the past few weeks.

MMM food!

Tonight's chicken and mushroom fettuccine alfredo:

I had thought about making this for lunch, but I got pizza with a friend instead. The original plan involved penne and lacked mushrooms, so I decided to ride down to Safeway to get some mushrooms. They happened to have fettuccine on sale, so I got a few boxes and came damn was that bus crowded. There was traffic too, so that didn't help.

A few weeks ago, I had some croissants and was really into the whole breakfast food thing. This is what became of it:

Costco croissant with ham, egg, and a sprinkle of cheese.

Last night I had a tri-tip sandwich and it got me thinking, "it'd be really easy to make one of these..." So be on the lookout for my tri-tip sandwich! If you wanna come eat some, you'd better be willing to do the dishes :)
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

asian music

Lee-Hom Wang



What a baller. That's the cover art for an album that contains this song:

I find it strange that all my friends are asian but none of them listen to asian music. This is my attempt to change introducing you all to MUSIC MANNN! Eventually I'll get you all to appreciate the awesomeness that is this:

Yes, that's how us mainlanders talk. SO COOL Read More......

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Asian Weather Reporter Charres Riu On the Scene

I don't mind the rain. Sometimes it's nice to have the change of weather so that we can all experience actual seasons throughout the year. I know I've been spoiled by living in SoCal for most of my life, where it's basically summer all year round. When the sun finally breaks through on the next day, you get the whole "Ahhhh...." refreshing feeling as the trees and plants are still moist from the condensation. Plus, if I stay in on a rainy day, I'm one of the types that cuddles up on the couch with a blanket, book, and a hot cup of tea.

Except, it's different here...

Fuck the weather lately. Yeah, I can tolerate a day or two of rain here and there. But shit son. This rain has been going on for a week, a teaser couple days of sunshine, then POURING. Now starting this week, there's some ridiculous wind factor going on (see picture).

FML. Now the rain is coming in from all directions instead of just up. It's like mother nature has decided we've all done something terribly wrong here in Berkeley (like buying too many made-from-awesome-trees textbooks).

Dear Mother Nature, I'm sorry if I haven't been a hippy lately? I made steak for dinner, so maybe I have it coming for me now because I killed a cow. Maybe I shouldn't have stepped on that crunchy leaf near the Campanile either.

I think I'm attributing my particular bad experience to my lack of umbrella, though. Yes, let's just say this picture can describe it pretty well:

My umbrella had suffered a slight mishap last year when the wind was particularly strong, but it was still usable given a slight bend in the metal shaft. All was well until a particularly rainy day last week. I pushed the button to extend my mini umbrella, except it extended all the way out, onto the floor.

This would be an appropriate time for me to hear one of those annoying "Congratulations, you have just won two free iPod nanos!" ads. Just replace the iPods with an umbrella handle and metal shaft.

I got the umbrella from LA Chinatown a couple years ago so I wasn't really expecting much from it either. I ordered this umbrella from Amazon last week hoping it would get to me by now, but it hasn't. PLZ COME SOON.

In short, screw the rain, and I don't have an umbrella. I'm using my Northface jacket in the meantime, but sometimes it's still a little ridiculous here regarding the weather. This probably means I already hate Seattle. Fuck their coffee too. I drink tea anyway.

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