Monday, October 27, 2008

Unexpected productivity forecasts good week, backs more ass up

Well, I've sure had a productive weekend despite my nights of debauchery:

1. Study group + problem set for one class done.

2. 50% updated resume for upcoming career fair.

3. Grocery shopped enough for 1-1.5 weeks.

4. Cleaned laptop of unused programs and cleared desktop clutter. Also re-arranged all my file-sorting into a sensible hierarchy. Nerd status + 1, yo.

5. Backed my ass up. Backed up sensitive documents to an external hard drive, online storage server, and USB keys (I can't have a hard drive die, online company lose all it's data, and have my USB keys stolen in one fatal moment....right? Shit.)

6. Backed more ass up. Totally backed up my whole computer to another external hard drive if the computer dies so I can revert back just to how it was once before.

7. Currently on my table: Haruki Murakami's After Dark. I can finally read for pleasure instead of (dy/dK)/(dy/dL) etc etc.

8. Recently started using Pandora (free online radio) again to discover new music. I forget how useful this is for me to branch out and listen to new artists.

Oh, and not to go unmentioned:

The broggers, minus kiyoshi, went to Pho Hoa (which I like to pronounce as FO-HO) for dinner tonight suggested by victor. Upon ordering, eleung let out a particularly loud expletive while we were still ordering with our waiter. Sorta sounds like pushy. I'll let you figure it out.


eleung said...

i know, stop being such a pussy


Jackie said...

i don't know if it's a good or bad thing that i had no idea what you were saying until i read victor's comment...

kberlin said...

I wonder if Spotlight appreciates the re-ordering of your files...nah, probably not.