Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shorting Treasuries: 2-week update

I have more or less turned out flat for the past two weeks. The Dow has gone down roughly 1000 points, with these being the big headlines:

On another note, there is part II of the Finance Meets Fashion party. This is a party organized by promoters to cater to the greatest d-bags in Manhattan - the bankers and traders who think they're the shit, and the girls that want to snag a rich guy in Gucci loafers. Or as Dealbreaker puts it, it will "make you want to throw a grenade into the party and kill all the assholes in NYC in one fell swoop."

1 comment:

Chuck said...

We'll be there. Someday.

I mean, wearing Gucci loafers. Not being a d-bag or anything.