Wednesday, February 25, 2009

doing your shit like you're supposed to

I find it amusing how hard it is for me to do the right thing sometimes. No joke. For the most part I can see what I should do so I don't regret anything later. For example, sleeping about 90 minutes ago, starting homework early, not playing dota ever again...

Never happens. I looked at my book. "I should read you." Homework. "I should do you." Looked at the Warcraft III shortcut on my desktop...yeah. Sometimes I think the hard-working part of my brain is just coming along for the ride while the "WEEEEEEEEE HAVE FUN" portion dicks around to its dismay.

But lest this become a brog post about me only, I think it applies to everyone.

  • Chuck - "I shouldn't take this shot." *takes shot, drinks beer*
  • Brad - "I shouldn't play Oblivion." *oblivion for 6 hours*
  • eleung - "I shouldn't buy this expensive gadget for no reason." *buys expensive gadgets*
  • efung - "I shouldn't ..." <-- actually, can't think of anything for this guy. good job.
  • Certain pair of roommates - "We should do something other than cube all day." *cube all WEEKEND*
I think my point has been made. Universal problem. The rational mind knows perfectly well what's right and wrong...too bad the part that acts doesn't give a shit. FML


coni said...

I beg to differ. I haven't cubed all weekend since nationals.

for me it's more like "I shouldn't play play another game of minesweeper to beat my 111.56 expert time" *clickclickclick anyway*

Brad: "I should stop buying girl jeans and wearing tighter pants than girls." we all know how that turned out. :D

Unknown said...

shouldn't have so much monsterrrrrrr

Chuck said...

Ahhhh it burnssssss


Unknown said...


Hey, be a man! Do the right thing!