Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Summer: -> go home -> dick around for a few days -> that ends -> bored out of my mind. Resume brogging.

Maybe it's just me, but every break since sophomore year of college has degenerated into this pattern. The breaks of my friends from LA never really match up, and this time everyone's abroad. I see it coming every time, too. I have to prepare beforehand, during the last week before break starts. The classic 1 book/3 movies/1 game pattern. "Okay, so I've got Jurassic Park to read, and I have a few classic movies (Manchurian Candidate, this time) I've been meaning to watch. Reinstall Portal, that was pretty cool, there's some more achievements I can get. And then I maybe visit UCLA once. Reformat some family computers. Call it a break."

No, no no no, no no.

Now that all of the above is done, I feel like I'm staving off Alzheimer's by trying to keep occupied at home. Here I am, voluntarily reading lecture notes for a class I tested out of and won't have to take in an effort to feel caught up for when I take the next class in the series. In a month. Summer school. I'm summer-reading-prepping for a summer school class. Shit, I wasn't built for long breaks. What the hell do people DO in their spare time?

Lucky that the other broggers are all caught up full-time in their respective internships. I envy them. So. Backup plan. I have the entire intarwebz to keep me company. I've heard good things about this blog, but this is one of the first posts that was decently interesting for me. I also have all the time in the world to learn about, say, investing. Here we go, day trading.

On second thought, maybe I'm feeling guilty for relaxing...on my break. When all else fails, burn a day at the beach...

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