Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Erection day 08. owait...

Yeah, it's finally time to vote. Who'd ever heard of such shenanigans? Get out there, do your part, it's your right and your duty, blah blah blah. Gogogo storm the front. Not kidding, though. Go.

I got up at a crisp 7am to beat the rush and I arrived at Heller Lounge at 7:30am. Talk about crowd mentality, there was a line spilling out the doors, but all I needed to do was go inside and get checked in at Line B (read: 2 people long). Judging from the 15 minutes it took them to verify my address and name (speaking of which, somehow I got registered as Ericq, wtf), it's gonna be a HUGE jam during the day. All over the country, I expect. But hell, good for them for volunteering. Someone's gotta do it.

5 minutes later, I'm out the door and I start listening to my iPod again, and damned if I could've predicted which song starts playing. The Crystal Method - The American Way. Of all the songs, this probably has negative play counts, but that's just how things/shuffle work. Got a good kick out of that.

Anyway, hope you're all doing your part for this erection.

1 comment:

eleung said...
