Tuesday, November 11, 2008

friend zone

You know how everybody fears the awkward "friend zone"? I did too. But if you think about it and grow up a little, it really doesn't make sense to be stuck there. If you're friends with someone but secretly would rather just bend them over a table and fuck them silly, that's not right. That's called being a fucking creeper, someone who's too castrated to state their intentions and yet still horny enough to fake a friendship in hopes of worming their way in.

All healthy relationships, whether friend or fuck buddy or boy/girlfriend or (ma/gay)rriage, are founded on communication. If you can't communicate because you're shy or something you won't succeed. I'm going to take the male POV since that's what I am, but I'm sure it's not all that different when you're a girl. There's no way that meeting and talking to a girl can automatically put you into the "friend zone". Guys chalk their eventual failure up to not being hot enough or not talking smooth enough or some other bullshit. It's not that, it's because you sent a clear signal 'let's be friends'. Or at least, she didn't hear any 'let's fuck like monkeys in heat'-style message in there.

No man can walk into a room and slay girls left and right, unless you're in a brothel or something. But that's okay - you only need to succeed with one. It's not your looks or inability to make fake conversation that makes you end up being every girl's BFF what what you really want is the ATM, it's because you're fucking pussy and won't tell people what you feel.

If you are willing to risk rejection, you won't end up in the friend zone. Take this challenge - if you're stuck in a friendship that you've always wanted to be a relationship, man up and tell the girl you like her. She'll reject you, because you've been a blubbering pussy all along, and you'll feel free at last. It's really not so bad. I've done it before, pathetically through email in fact, but it worked out in the end.

Of course, you should always consider your own values. Some people are perfectly happy finding a partner to commit to and care for, whereas others like to rage around at parties and fuck everything that moves. Find your own happy place, not everyone is a raging party fucker. BE A MAN


Unknown said...


Good read. It's been a productive day.

kiyoshi said...

Too long, didn't read.

Just kidding, your posts are the most insightful on our website. This is what go brog about it should be made of.

Chuck said...

A good read and something you've made me realize for the past week in my own relationship situations.

Thank you, victor.