Saturday, December 20, 2008

Currently Reading: Chuck

Since I have no outstanding plans for winter break, I'm going to be reading lots. I used to read a book per week back in elementary school, but once high school started that all went downhill. Time to get lost in literature!

I just finished reading Haruki Murakami's After Dark during finals (instead of studying I guess). It's a novel that takes place over the period of one night. Not bad. The first work I read by him was After the Quake, a collection of short stories which I highly recommend.

Here's my current reading list, and it's not all just a bunch of novels:

1. Choke by Chuck Palahniuk
Told you I'm currently reading Chuck. I saw the movie version of Choke too, which I recommend as well. What's it about? Sex, choking (on food, eff you dirty dirty minds), dealing with addictions, mixed in with some American colonial flare.

2. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Anti-war WWII novel with time travel? COOL. Yeah I haven't read many classics so here's my chance to see what's up with Vonnegut.

3. Blind Woman, Sleeping Willow by Haruki Murakami

I'm at it again with Murakami and his collection of short stories. Reading short stories is enjoyable because I can finish one per reading session instead of working towards finishing a whole novel. I enjoyed After the Quake so hopefully this one has some good stories too.

BONUS BROGGER'S DIGEST INSIDER: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore
From the author of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Alan Moore brings his tale of Batman and The Joker. I just got this as a gift from my roommate so I'm psyched to read it. I'm kind of a comic geek for those of you who didn't know already.

Anyone else reading anything over the break or want to recommend some reading material? See ya in the comments.


Raechel said...

I'm going to Shanghai for a week and a half over break, which is going to cool. But it also means that I have a 16-hour flight (read: death) coming up very soon... In true gearhead fashion, I've packed "The Racing & High-Performance Tire" by Paul Haney.

But I think I'm going to grab something less nerdy from home as well. Now if only my fiction collection from my high school days were more diverse...

Unknown said...

Oh, hell, yeah. I've read Choke and Slaughterhouse-Five, and both have very excellent moments. I confuse the two authors a lot too. Killing Joke was pretty cool, not really what I expected.

All I have around here to read is my brother's microecon book from high school. EFFF. Hoping to read The Art of War sometime soon.

Chuck said...

@ Raechel: Wooo yay good food! Maybe you can entertain yourself with some in-flight movies as well (barring some sort of selection). So you have a book all about tires?

Same here about the fiction collection from highschool. The novels we were required to read were particularly boring...

@ efung: The Art of War as in the original old war strategy book? It's never too late to start reading some more graphic novels if you're down for it. This is of course unless you just download comics and read them on your computer...