Sunday, December 14, 2008

How-to: Pwn a math final

After much IRC discussion about MBTI personality types, I figured I would post my study habits which I believe fit my INTJ (aka Mastermind) personality to a T.

  1. Read what the professor says he is going to test on

  2. Speed-read relevant material from lecture notes or the textbook (my professor has a 187 page PDF of the book he is writing, he lectures pretty much exactly out of this PDF)

  3. Copy down any theorems, definitions, and formulas that seem particularly important or interesting

  4. When you are done (I have something like 10 pages of hand-written college-ruled notes front and back), skim over the notes and find the even MORE important parts, the kinds of properties and theorems that will allow you to derive everything else that you learned

  5. Write down precise, perfect, definitions of those utterly important theorems/definitions, and memorize them. The auxiliary stuff is all the result of these central theorems, so you will either be able to remember them from your studying or derive them from the important theorems

  6. Put your dick in the box

  7. Pwnzor the final

Easy, right?


victor said...

aren't you supposed to jizz your pants afterwards

Chuck said...

I should write a How-to on how to procrastinate... damn