Friday, October 31, 2008

Broggers Lunch - Day One

We can video-brog in hi-def video too. Hell yea. Here's us going to lunch. Here's the first of many shorts to come.

Go to Vimeo to view the hi-def version. The one on here is standard definition because they won't allow embedded HD streams.

Day One from Charles Liu on Vimeo.

Also, what food trip with cameras is complete without food porn... (pics by victor)

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

refurb? whatev.

In lieu of working on my Psych101 paper, I've been testing out my new camera. It came as a mild surprise that it was actually a refurbished model, only just like new! Thankfully, no noticeable defects, except maybe a slightly scratched shutter button and the old-looking Canon box it came in. I'm really digging the macro settings (not safe for dialup):
I'm sure gonna be taking more pictures from now on. Read More......

can't sleep

i just had a dream involving me eating lunch with my boss from Northern Trust, gms dying in a motorcycle accident, a motorcycle rider nearly running over a woman right near the accident, woman flips out and starts crying and yelling at the motorcycle driver, telling him it's 'people like his fault', so he pulls a gun, shoots at her, i try to get them to all calm down, and this douchebag skinny white kid walks up to me and puts one in my left temple, i die a painless death. the only thing i could think was 'wow, its really over'

i can't go back to sleep Read More......

point-and-shoot camera or cell phone?

with the advances in technology, it seems like everyone is all hyped up about megapixels. a pixel the foundation of an image. its the tiny square you see if you look really closely (and i mean REALLY closely). this is what makes up a picture. having more pixels just means you can print (emphasis on the 'print') larger photos. if you're just going to post them online (to fb or a blog), you probably don't need anything bigger than .3MP (roughly 640x480).

can you guess what this photo was taken with? you have your choice of digital SLR, point-and-shoot, or cell phone.

now who says you need a $3000 camera to take good pictures? Read More......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

happy early birthday

there comes a time in everyones life, at least once a year, where they feel like they ought to be the center of attention. rather than go around telling everyone that my birthday is tomorrow (oh, did i just do that?), i'm going to tell you how i've already started celebrating.

1. an EVGA GTX 280 SSC edition and Far Cry 2

2. a canon SD1100IS point-and-shoot camera with sandisk extreme III 4GB SDHC card

3. 4GB of corsair dominator DDR2-1066MHz RAM (it goes well with farcry)

additionally, i just ordered a case and screen protector for my camera. so you may ask, why did i spend all this money? where do you get all this money?

i spent the money because i could. i don't buy things very often, but when i do, they're usually extremely expensive. aside from food, many of my purchases are typically at least $100, especially when it comes to technology, gadgets, electronics, and new goodies for my computer.

where did all this money come from, you ask? well, believe it or not, being a unit supervisor for residential computing actually pays very just have to work for them. since i've been saving most of my paychecks since march and april, i decided a little spending was in order. i'm doing my part to put money back into our faltering economy, so you should be happy! i sure am ;)

since kiyoshi posted some computer pr0n of his, here are some quick shots with the new camera after i installed the ram and card:

western digital raptor 150GB, 2x Seagate 500GB NS drives, 1x Seagate 1TB AS drive

powering this beast: antec neo-link 1200W PSU (550W+650W linked together)
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efung makes army rations

I'm a terrible cook. If cooking were like surgery, I'd be bludgeoning the patient with a board so that I could amputate in peace.

That's probably a bit of an exaggeration. I can make eggs and spaghetti. Tonight, I was too lazy and strapped for cash to go out for dinner, so I looked around and scraped together what little bit of food I had in the apartment. Turns out I had a box of instant grits and a bag of expiring cheddar cheese, as well as some canned food. So under Chuck's tutelage, here's what happened next, in recipe form:

1. Warmed a big thing of [whole] milk.
2. Mixed in 2 packets of grits.
3. Add a crapload of cheese.
4. Threw in a thing of salt, white pepper, and butter.
5. When it was all heated and mixed together, poured onto a cookie sheet.
6. Poured in a can of corn, and puffed some more white pepper on for good measure.
7. Baked for 30 minutes at 325 degrees.

Well, those measurements are as accurate as I could remember. Check out the finished product! (click to enlarge)
Looks...alright. I guess. Tasted like mashed potatoes, with the corn mixed in. I imagine combat rations taste better than this. But oh, the horror. It became a fight to get all that cheese and milk down. A dinner fit for a soldier

Now excuse me while I go wonder why I bothered eating at all... Read More......

chuck couldn't value the fundamentals of his investment due to shady market conditions

We spent too much time on Wall Street, as you can see. Read More......

Gym Trip

That's right, the broggers are not all about finance, hardware, cameras, food, jazz, ladies, parties, and random late nights. We care about health too.

Lookin forward to, as they say, getting huge. Read More......

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jazz, baby.

UC Jazz is a hidden gem. I just went to their annual fundraiser at Yoshi's in Oakland, and it was just as fantastic as last year's performance. I could only stay for the Advanced Combos this time around (sorry Big Band), but I enjoyed every minute of it. Nothing like listening to music, lounging with some good friends, and having some refreshments.

There's also something very attractive about women who can play jazz music, whatever instrument it may be. It's that "cool" factor.

Luckily, I brought my new camcorder there so expect to see some footage from the performance in the next few days.

Other than that I went to a Goldman Sachs info session earlier in the evening. Early bird internship fair is comin' up, and I'm ready for it. See you there.

Currently eating a tuna melt sandwich -chuck Read More......

Unexpected productivity forecasts good week, backs more ass up

Well, I've sure had a productive weekend despite my nights of debauchery:

1. Study group + problem set for one class done.

2. 50% updated resume for upcoming career fair.

3. Grocery shopped enough for 1-1.5 weeks.

4. Cleaned laptop of unused programs and cleared desktop clutter. Also re-arranged all my file-sorting into a sensible hierarchy. Nerd status + 1, yo.

5. Backed my ass up. Backed up sensitive documents to an external hard drive, online storage server, and USB keys (I can't have a hard drive die, online company lose all it's data, and have my USB keys stolen in one fatal moment....right? Shit.)

6. Backed more ass up. Totally backed up my whole computer to another external hard drive if the computer dies so I can revert back just to how it was once before.

7. Currently on my table: Haruki Murakami's After Dark. I can finally read for pleasure instead of (dy/dK)/(dy/dL) etc etc.

8. Recently started using Pandora (free online radio) again to discover new music. I forget how useful this is for me to branch out and listen to new artists.

Oh, and not to go unmentioned:

The broggers, minus kiyoshi, went to Pho Hoa (which I like to pronounce as FO-HO) for dinner tonight suggested by victor. Upon ordering, eleung let out a particularly loud expletive while we were still ordering with our waiter. Sorta sounds like pushy. I'll let you figure it out. Read More......

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mad Men, or, Why The Fifties Were Great

- Women didn't have real jobs, they were either secretaries or housewives
- Heels were the only acceptable footwear for women
- It was socially acceptable to smoke anywhere, anytime, including at your desk at work
- It was socially acceptable to drink anywhere, anytime, including at your desk at work. Gotta keep that bottle of 151 around to get through the day...
- The men look impeccable all the time, none of this business casual bullshit
- Nobody knew that smoking and drinking while pregnant was bad, expecting mothers could still hit the bars and clubs
- Extramarital affairs and getting pregnant by sleeping with married men or married men impregnating single women seems to happen with regularity

On second thought, social progressivism and anti-drug movements seem to have some benefits as well...
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2 girls 1 night

Sorry, readers. This is eyes only.

And no. It's not what you think it is you dirty-minded people. Sheesh.

In other news, I am spending my lazy Sunday eating home fries and oat-bran walnut-granola pancakes that I just made. Huzzah! Unfortunately I cannot offer any pictures, because I did not jump the gun on a camera like the others, but...

My camcorder came! Woo! Stay posted to see awesome new additions to brog-about-it when we get all our shiny new toys...

But wait, Chuck! What's this about 2 girls 1 night? I mean, how can you post something like this and not tell anything?

Okay, well, it might have been 1 girl, but I'm not sure. Sigh. Let's just say blacklights aren't the best way to actually see anything. And no! It was just dark, okay? Read More......


catching up on the office at 4am over a bowl of instant ramen...I couldn't be happier.

"where's my golden shower, phyllis?" Read More......

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I would also like to make another comment about my sister's party last night. They went to the next door neighbors to tell them that they were going to throw a party, in order to decrease the probability that they would call the cops. They were completely comfortable with the party, so comfortable, in fact, that they invited themselves over, and decided to hit up the keg with the college students. Yes, I know, pics or it didn't happen, but one girl who was leaving the party said that they were telling people that they were having a foursome later that evening.

You're my boy, Blue!

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Check out that dust on the old heatsink!

New goodies, 3.0Ghz C2D, 4GB DDR2-800 RAM

Assembled pic. Notice that my CDROM and HDD are on the same IDE channel, I need to upgrade to this SATA thing...
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Operation "Good Thing I Don't Work Here"

hey folks! welcome to another edition of eleung's spiteful (thx terrio) rants. only tonight won't be a'll be about an ingenious plan developed by connie and i as an effort to break the ice with a very pretty girl who works on the 3rd floor.

1. walk into the office and head up to the third floor. if she is there, proceed to step 2.

2. make several laps around the area, trying to act lost (it's really hard to do that after spending so much time in those who know me will be like dude wtf are you doing?)

3. after passing her cube a few times, approach and ask where residential computing is, or the bathroom, depending on which direction i happen to be coming from

4. should the question be where is rescomp, i shall ask her to direct me to the area

5. and when people say "hey eleung!" i'll have to think of something clever and witty to get myself out of the bind

6. "good thing i don't work here!" Read More......

Drinking with white ppl? ORLY?

Wow, this was the first time I've hung out at one of my sister's parties. Quite a few new experiences:

  • pretty girls exist at cal, they just don't hang out with kids like us

  • my sister is awesome, i wish i hung out with her more

  • having a cool sister who is hosting a party is awesome, everyone tries to get on your good side

  • half the guys were wearing Ralph Lauren, I fit in with my green polo

  • it's amazing when people remember you! i figure i'm a forgettable person but some girl who lived downstairs from me recognized me and started a conversation. I didn't know what to talk about so the conversation got gg'd quickly

  • i met a hapa guy and we chatted it up for like 30 minutes about finance, banking, aig, agricultural mortgages, all this great stuff. then the cops came, we had to go inside, then i never saw him again, gotta stalkerbook him soon. he worked at zion's bancorp and is long agricultural mortgages. and he is a follower of warren buffet. BUY AND HOLD!!!

  • mark liu's friend kristen(?) was there, didn't recognize her AT ALL and felt bad, she didn't talk to me after that QQ


- My sister talked to my mom, told her she was having a party, and she said that i might not go due to having 'too much work to do'. my mom apparently was going to call me and tell me to relax a little and have fun. thanks mommy
- I submitted the cs162 project at 9:45pm or so, ran to the party at 10pm, then had to find my sister's computer to check that i passed the autograder. imagine how awkward of a conversation I could have had:

girl: where'd you disappear to?
kiyoshi: oh, i just had to check that my submission passed the autograder
girl: autograder?
kiyoshi: [thinking she is actually interested in my life] so when we submit our code for projects, they email us whether or not we pass the sanity checks, so we can tell if we're doing the right thing
girl: i'm going to go stand over here, you stay right where you are... Read More......

This is Friday Night.

My eyes deserve a break.

~5 hours of Gears of War (finished it tonight), watching The Dark Knight again, and then brogging all about it. A few more years of this and I'm gonna need to shop around for some replacement retinas.

I aporogize for the next paragraph, as it is indeed very heinous, if you happen to know how dear TDK is to me. Yes, I downloaded The Dark Knight (fail count 1) in my frustration that Superb wasn't showing it tonight and man, I miss not knowing what would happen next. When you're not bothering to follow the fast-moving story or ogle at the insane amount of stunts--and I'm just gonna break off into a huge tangent here [SPOILER ALERT]: seriously, how many vehicles can you blow up? And such a creative selection too, there's a trash truck that gets run into the ceiling of an underpass, a swat truck rammed into the water, chopper that gets brought down, Batmobile gets bazooka'd, a semi+trailer flipped...and that's just one sequence...good...god.
Okay yeah, so I was talking about how despite the distractions of all the expensive stuff, it's really just a pretty good movie. Well maybe better than pretty good, considering some kickass acting from who-else-yo and an equally kickass score. Alright fuck it. This isn't going anywhere. I'm just bitching that I didn't shit my pants in anticipation for what would happen next this second go-around.

In other news, StumbleUpon (Firefox plugin, check. it. out.) has graced me with a rare gem. Eh, not gem, just some random experiment that supposedly improves your reading rate. Apparently, I went from 631 WPM to 857 WPM. That's right ladies, I read over 800 wpm. Mmmmmm. So there you have it, you're free to either wonder at my superhuman abilities or laugh at my mere mortal reading skill. I still have some doubts since it ain't sci'ntific 'n shit, but try it out yourself:

I could go for some gummi bears right now. Read More......

new camera number one

Check it:
(yea, it's taking a picture of itself in the mirror. tripppyyy)
It's a Sony T77 that I bought off dell for the sole reason being that it was on sale, and everyone else was getting one. Unfortunately I'm a little more aesthetically-conscious and felt like paying around a hundred bucks more for the cool factor. This tiny little thing has about the same image quality as the Canon the other guys are getting, but the real cool thing is the back (i'm not sure how to take a picture of that...) is just one massive three inch touchscreen. Reminds me of an iphone, minus the calling and the music part.

Sadly I did not get it in time for my SF trip earlier tonight, but I've been having lots of fun taking pictures of random crap since I came home. Sadly my 2GB memory stick doesn't get here for like another week, so I'll have to make do with the 15MB internal memory. (good for THREE WHOLE PICTURES at 10 megapixels, or around a hundred 640x480s)
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Friday, October 24, 2008

the 9:30am walk of shame

Spotted this when I was leaving for work at 9:30 in the morning. Somehow I don't think she's going to class in that outfit. Read More......


This picture depicts the S&P 500 futures market, which is locked limit down. In the futures market, traders bet on the future price of commodities and securities, in this case it is a bet on the future price in the S&P 500. The market is currently locked limit-down, which means that all trading has effectively stopped because the price has dropped too far. Futures trade nearly around the clock, so journalists like to say "futures down, Wall Street headed to lower open," though futures don't always predict the moves in the market correctly.

Other news:

Oil below $64

Korea market down 11%, Nikkei down 10%

US dollar falls to 95.32 yen, lowest in 13 years Read More......

something is wrong here....

Photos taken at 2am on Friday morning, 10/23. Caught in the act. Read More......

Thursday, October 23, 2008


15:55 <---> that way girls think i ride a motorcycle
15:55 <---> yeaaaah
15:55 <---> what if they wanna see it?
15:55 <---> lol
15:56 <---> roofie?
15:56 <---> whats' a roofie?
15:56 <---> lol
15:56 <---> you drug the girl
15:56 <---> why's it called a roofie?
15:56 <---> u dont bone her on a roof do u?
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Wow, Newegg, Just Wow

So as many of you heard, FarCry 2 came out today. Ecstatic, I quickly left my Psych 140 midterm and went to the GameStop on Telegraph Ave., next to Chipotle. On the way, I stopped in front of Wheeler because I wanted to see if UPS had delivered my video card. After a few minutes of painful iPod Touch navigation, I finally reached the UPS tracking page. Since "Status" said "Delivered," I headed to Postal Annex with a stop off at Kips to get lunch. Seeing as how I spent over $700 a few days ago, I opted for the $3.95 daily special of Sweet and Sour Pork. (I probably should have just gone to Chipotle like my original plan, but the line was out the door.)

After playing some Texas Hold 'em on my Touch, I took my food and went across the street toward Postal Annex. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a postal store that has mailboxes you can rent and ship stuff to so delivery drivers have no excuse for not being able to have someone sign for a package. After picking up my package from Newegg, I headed home to eat lunch, install FarCry 2, and watch some Top Gear (the one where they go to Africa--coincidentally, FC2 takes place in Africa). Even though I told myself I wouldn't play until the weekend, I ended up skipping my EE20 discussion (I lost track of time) to play until EE105 lecture at 4pm.

Speaking of EE105, there was an extremely cute Korean girl (she had an Asus Eee-PC with Korean Windows and Office 2k7) who came in and sat down in the row in front of me. Unfortunately I don't think she was in the class because she was making her schedule and had Econ, MCB, and Philosophy classes...I figured she was just someone's friend. Luckily, the professor didn't post lecture slides AND ran over time so she gave everyone credit on the quiz question.

After 105, I came home for a bit to finish my RCC meeting agenda, then quickly headed to the U1 ASC for the ASC meeting. I walked in to find vchu working on the printers, which put a big smile on my face because that meant I could bring the printer that doesn't require service back to the ASC. So after the RCC meeting, vchu and I spent some time setting up the printers at U1. Hopefully they work for more than a day...assuming the APC orders non-crappy toner. Hooray for public insitutions, no money to pay for laser toner!

So you're probably thinking, wow, this guy went on tangent after tangent after tangent...well that's too bad, maybe I won't do well in E190. The whole point of telling you about my day is that:


I had ordered the EVGA GTX 280 SSC edition...and they sent me the SC edition. I mean sure the names look similar, but come on. For that, Newegg is getting a call at 8am where I shall demand they overnight me the correct card, and pay for return shipping on this card.

FarCry 2 isn't horrible on the 8800GTX...but it can always be better. Hope you enjoyed the story! I'm gonna go pass out now...

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smoke detector conquered

My smoke alarm has been beeping for the past two days. My roommate said he checked and couldn't find a battery inside, which makes no sense...but we took his word for it. Still, the incessant beeping was driving me nuts. There was no way in hell that I could sleep another night with this stupid chirp every minute. It finally got to the point where I could withstand no more, so I took a chair and took a look myself...

Twist to open. Hey look, a 9-volt battery. I guess these things are pretty childproof. And since I have EECS roommates, they had batteries lying around from their projects. My apartment is finally free of the goddamn beeping.

Moral of the story is, it takes two Berkeley students to replace a smoke detector battery. Read More......

So fresh and so clean

Thanks to awesome powers of victor and kiyoshi, we have a shiny new banner for "go brog about it." Sorry for any bumps you may have run into! Who says we can't rollout on a Wednesday night? YEABOY.

Note: Pictures do not denote actual time of day. It is late at night. Read More......


New Watchmen footage came out yesterday. Quick, before YouTube takes it down...

Oh, and don't watch unless you've read the graphic novel already. Not because of spoilers, but to save yourself some serious wtf'ing.

And about that. There are things that you are told are awesome, and they stay awesome. Undoubtedly. Then there's the other category. Watchmen is one of those things that I do not recommend because I'd only fuck your expectations up and you'd approach reading it all the wrong way. So forget I said anything, and stumble on this graphic novel in a week/month or so and read it yourself with a blanked mind.


Now Listening: The Smashing Pumpkins - The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning Read More......

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Currently sitting in San Diego

And letting my partner fix our code!

Group projects are fun if you can get other people to do the work. Read More......

Lucky Unit 4

I headed up to Foothill for my weekly meeting with the ASAs, and never before did I wish I had a camera so much as that moment. Beautiful view, crystal clear cause of the crazy hot wind today. I recommend anyone up here to try it out at least once. At that height, it's a perfectly clear view to the bay and the sunset was amazing. Here's a rough sketch:

Anyroad, I bought a giant thing of detergent today. Was a fun walk across campus, until I found a bottle of detergent I already had in the closet.

Overhead in Berkeley today: "...I dunno, like I barfed in my own mouth..."

Demetri Martin:
"There's a saying, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Okay...How about...nobody should throw stones."

Now Listening: Rage Against the Machine - Pistol Grip Pump Read More......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Routine maintenance my ass ~_~

The sysadmins are moving servers to new racks tonight which means the system had to be taken down to complete the work. In their downtime email, however, they did not mention that the IRC server (internet relay chat) would be affected. As a result, I cannot procrastinate by wasting time on IRC like I do every other night. No, instead, I went to the Unit 1 ASC to print my Psych 140 notes (the midterm is tomorrow and studying starts after I watch tonight's episode of House).

For those of you who are unfamiliar with IRC, it's another form of chat room similar to those created by AIM, iChat, or any of your other favorite chatting derivatives. The server was designed with victor's help and has revolutionized the way Residential Computing works. No longer do we shout obscenities across the office, but instead use the chat room so that even those not in the office can share in the ridicule.

And oh so much more...! Read More......

New Macbook spotted in the office, sexually harrassed

Kenzan jumped on this the day the new Macbook was announced, and he brought it to the office yesterday. Aside from the ooo's and aaah's, the Macbook was thoroughly man-handled by everyone there.

Didn't sexual harrassment training teach us anything?

All right, I'm guilty too. Read More......


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no text. Read More......

Mission Statement? Sure.

03:16 <@victor> no such luck
03:16 <@victor> i should brog about it
03:16 <@victor> another day
03:16 <@victor> its a story thats never been told
03:17 <@kiyoshi> because its not worth tellingto anyone
03:17 <@kiyoshi> unless its on a BROG
03:17 <@victor> yeppppp
03:17 <@kiyoshi> instantly way cooler
03:17 <@chuck> ahahaha
03:17 <@victor> esp one thats
03:17 <@eleung> srsly
03:17 <@victor> secretish

note: problem set 5% complete Read More......

2 am? efff

Late night TV is glorious. Late night TV in China was even better, with movies you could never dream of. This particular one was on, and I swear this clip is only one of the first scenes:

It's called Ninja III: The Domination fyi.

Ninjas >> pirates. Q.E.D. Read More......

Game Theory for Social Science

Here's the strategic form: 1 guy can choose to party or not party. 1 girl can choose to party or not party. Guy gets a higher payoff if girl goes to a party. Girl gets the same payoff if she parties or stays home.

1. I'll generalize that guys want to find a "nice" girl. Maybe even more general that someone that is seemingly "compatible". People have their preferences may it be physical, emotional, personality, etc.

2. In order to find these "nice" girls, guys go to social settings, introduce ourselves, try to stand out or make ourselves seem unique in our own way, without pushing ourselves over to be someone we're not...

3. These social settings, perhaps, are IRONICALLY, not the places that are populated at maximum probability of the nice girls or type of girls we actually want to meet.

4. This perhaps limits guys to maybe an academic setting or random encounter (e.g. introduced through a friend), in which case, we are subject to a "weirder" crowd of the Berkeley public, or if I was less blunt, greater variety of personalities.

5. The game compatibility is this: for guys is that we go to these social settings, in which case, the nice girls we are looking for may not be at these social settings. They are, rather, either at home being a good person doing homework, or watching a movie - resulting in the chance of meeting each other at a very low percent.

Solving this game would involve not going to these social settings, but that is counter-intuitive to meeting people at all, and in layman's terms is associated as "nerd", "loner", or any other words you fancy.

So with backwards induction, the guy chooses to stay home because he might not find "that" type of girl, and the girl will stay home because she doesn't like "that" type of guy. Their payoffs are [0, 1] for guy and girl respectively, as the guy stays home and does not meet the girl, while the girl studies and/or has a good time with her girlfriends.

Note: serious, but also not serious.

2nd note: Problem Set 0% Complete Read More......

I need credit cards...

Recently my fellow counterparts and I went on a purchasing spree (as you can see). While I had no intention of letting my carefree spending interfere with my education, it appears as though I'd rather press a "Purchase" button after filling out my billing and shipping information than study for a developmental psychology midterm.

On a happier note, Far Cry 2 comes out day, and being an avid gamer, I decided to pre-order it at my local GameStop. However, the geniuses at EA/Crytek decided it would be a good idea to ship them on the 21st, so that you can't get it anywhere (unless you download it) until tomorrow. I guess it's not THAT big a deal since I don't plan on playing it until the weekend, but that also means I didn't have to pay for 2nd day shipping on the video card I ordered last night. This weekend will be full of Far Cry 2 and GTX 280 sexyness. Unfortunately I just found out today that I have another Psych midterm, the psychology of sleep, on Monday. Oh well! Good thing I'm not a psych major...

In the past two days, I've managed to spend about $730 on a new video card and camera. While the video card could be slightly classified as an impulse buy (I need it to play Far Cry!), the camera wasn't...I've had my eye on a point-and-shoot for quite some time, and Dell happened to offer another coupon code. It's the same camera efung bought, except I opted for silver. I hope I made the right choice in not buying the 15MP SD990 that costs twice as much, but I already have a nice camera ^_^

yummy!! Read More......

Why we are so bad at studying compared to our high-school selves

Sorry if this formatting is poor, ladies, but I prefer to write in HTML.

I think I just realized a part of why none of us can study the way we used to be able to back in high school.

  • HS was catered towards the lowest-common-denominator, even in our Honors and AP classes. Hence, the average kids that got into the 'elite' classes worked hard for their B-average now go to some school I've never heard of that is supposedly 'really good for $OBSCUREMAJOR'. We skated by on A's while twiddling our thumbs and end up at Cal getting our asses handed to us.

  • Classes were easy, there wasn't THAT much work to do, remember when you thought studying 6 hours for a test was a lot?

  • Mommy and daddy took care of all the difficult things in life - cleaning up after you, cooking for you, doing your laundry, providing you with enough money to go to the movies with your friends, and generally letting you do nothing other than be a kid and go to school.

  • Our lives were simple, we had a well-defined routine that involved waking up early, going to school, coming back, maybe screwing around for a little while, then doing homework for an hour or two, then back to video games. Now we have jobs, interviews, careers, traveling, our personal finances, parties, women, and whatever you spend money on (computers, cameras, clothes, monitors, I don't know what efung is into though, pewter figurines or slightly-used underwear or something), and tons of other complications in our lives that we never had to deal with as teenagers

Anything I've forgotten? Read More......

Monday, October 20, 2008

advisor code FTL

I don't NEED no advisor code to know how to rock!
for i in 0..9999
 puts i
 if i % 3 == 0
Read More......

Chuck buys hard drive for 30% off, sells 100% life to procrastination

Courtesy of Microsoft's 30% cashback and eBay, this arrived today.

Bus-powered so it doesn't need a power brick, made for Mac (can't you see it's pretentious and sexy silver casing?), and comes with a carrying case.

Perfect for wasting my time.

Seeing how I already have a 320GB external hard drive that DOES have a power brick, why did I buy this?

1. It's so sexy. I'm such a sucker.

2. It has Firewire, and my current hard drive only does USB.

So now I have two externals. I'm using one for dedicated backup and one for storing camcorder (*gasp*) videos. I'm heading towards using this small drive for videos because of the Firewire, but it's 5400 RPM. The other external is USB, but 7200 RPM. What do I do? Suggestions needed, yo. Read More......

FIRST PO-..fuck

I ordered lemon chicken from Little Hunan just now, and this is what I got.

I had expected something drenched in fake lemon syrup with a obligatory sad piece of lemon on top to remind you that it is lemon chicken. Maybe they forgot to finish cooking before they gave it to me. I am quite sorely disappointed. This makes my mouth drier than rape...unacceptable.

On another note, I ordered a camera too. But in my case, Discover doesn't like letting me use their cards whenever I make a purchase over fifty cents and insists that I call and make sure it's cool. To compound the issue I got buyer's remorse right after clicking checkout and decided I wanted a different least I know Dell can't charge me. The one I'm actually planning on getting is below...i'm clearly a fan of style over substance.

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And a momentous first post, at that.

Thanks to your fantastic broggers' vigilant deal-searching, I've finally bothered to replace my ancient PowerShot A85. But efung, why would you want to do that? It's a big pile of fun! Uses 4 AA batteries! Has a glorious 4.0 megapixels! Barely fits in my pocket with the case!

It was about time. Not to say I don't care about my tank of a camera. The latest set of pictures I took from Hong Kong look effin' awesome, especially post-Photoshop processing. But hell, with the SD1100 going for $170 minus $51 (!!) using Microsoft's cashback deal...that was definitely worth creating a Paypal and eBay account for. Look at that thing. mmm.MMMM

Now as long as I don't crack the LCD screen on it, I'll be alright... Read More......