Thursday, October 23, 2008

smoke detector conquered

My smoke alarm has been beeping for the past two days. My roommate said he checked and couldn't find a battery inside, which makes no sense...but we took his word for it. Still, the incessant beeping was driving me nuts. There was no way in hell that I could sleep another night with this stupid chirp every minute. It finally got to the point where I could withstand no more, so I took a chair and took a look myself...

Twist to open. Hey look, a 9-volt battery. I guess these things are pretty childproof. And since I have EECS roommates, they had batteries lying around from their projects. My apartment is finally free of the goddamn beeping.

Moral of the story is, it takes two Berkeley students to replace a smoke detector battery.

1 comment:

kberlin said...

Let's hope he's not focusing on the EE part of the degree...