Saturday, October 25, 2008

Drinking with white ppl? ORLY?

Wow, this was the first time I've hung out at one of my sister's parties. Quite a few new experiences:

  • pretty girls exist at cal, they just don't hang out with kids like us

  • my sister is awesome, i wish i hung out with her more

  • having a cool sister who is hosting a party is awesome, everyone tries to get on your good side

  • half the guys were wearing Ralph Lauren, I fit in with my green polo

  • it's amazing when people remember you! i figure i'm a forgettable person but some girl who lived downstairs from me recognized me and started a conversation. I didn't know what to talk about so the conversation got gg'd quickly

  • i met a hapa guy and we chatted it up for like 30 minutes about finance, banking, aig, agricultural mortgages, all this great stuff. then the cops came, we had to go inside, then i never saw him again, gotta stalkerbook him soon. he worked at zion's bancorp and is long agricultural mortgages. and he is a follower of warren buffet. BUY AND HOLD!!!

  • mark liu's friend kristen(?) was there, didn't recognize her AT ALL and felt bad, she didn't talk to me after that QQ


- My sister talked to my mom, told her she was having a party, and she said that i might not go due to having 'too much work to do'. my mom apparently was going to call me and tell me to relax a little and have fun. thanks mommy
- I submitted the cs162 project at 9:45pm or so, ran to the party at 10pm, then had to find my sister's computer to check that i passed the autograder. imagine how awkward of a conversation I could have had:

girl: where'd you disappear to?
kiyoshi: oh, i just had to check that my submission passed the autograder
girl: autograder?
kiyoshi: [thinking she is actually interested in my life] so when we submit our code for projects, they email us whether or not we pass the sanity checks, so we can tell if we're doing the right thing
girl: i'm going to go stand over here, you stay right where you are...


Chuck said...

i know kristen, how funny. i believe she's in alpha delta chi sorority. gg that.

Unknown said...

whoa whoa whoa, kids like us. let's not discriminate even against ourselves, sir.

victor said...

"pretty girls exist at cal, they just don't hang out with kids like us"

hey man. speak for yourself. wtf

Unknown said...

"I didn't know what to talk about so the conversation got gg'd quickly'

lmao. too true.

Chuck said...

do i look like a cop?

kiyoshi said...

no, no you don't