Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lucky Unit 4

I headed up to Foothill for my weekly meeting with the ASAs, and never before did I wish I had a camera so much as that moment. Beautiful view, crystal clear cause of the crazy hot wind today. I recommend anyone up here to try it out at least once. At that height, it's a perfectly clear view to the bay and the sunset was amazing. Here's a rough sketch:

Anyroad, I bought a giant thing of detergent today. Was a fun walk across campus, until I found a bottle of detergent I already had in the closet.

Overhead in Berkeley today: "...I dunno, like I barfed in my own mouth..."

Demetri Martin:
"There's a saying, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Okay...How about...nobody should throw stones."

Now Listening: Rage Against the Machine - Pistol Grip Pump


Chuck said...

That picture's like what, 6,7 megapixels?

What's that green stuff too?

Unknown said...

trees, duh.

kberlin said...

The trees remind of the view outside of my window at FH last year...BEAUTIFUL bay view, with the Golden Gate bridge blocked out by a single tree...