Saturday, October 25, 2008

This is Friday Night.

My eyes deserve a break.

~5 hours of Gears of War (finished it tonight), watching The Dark Knight again, and then brogging all about it. A few more years of this and I'm gonna need to shop around for some replacement retinas.

I aporogize for the next paragraph, as it is indeed very heinous, if you happen to know how dear TDK is to me. Yes, I downloaded The Dark Knight (fail count 1) in my frustration that Superb wasn't showing it tonight and man, I miss not knowing what would happen next. When you're not bothering to follow the fast-moving story or ogle at the insane amount of stunts--and I'm just gonna break off into a huge tangent here [SPOILER ALERT]: seriously, how many vehicles can you blow up? And such a creative selection too, there's a trash truck that gets run into the ceiling of an underpass, a swat truck rammed into the water, chopper that gets brought down, Batmobile gets bazooka'd, a semi+trailer flipped...and that's just one sequence...good...god.
Okay yeah, so I was talking about how despite the distractions of all the expensive stuff, it's really just a pretty good movie. Well maybe better than pretty good, considering some kickass acting from who-else-yo and an equally kickass score. Alright fuck it. This isn't going anywhere. I'm just bitching that I didn't shit my pants in anticipation for what would happen next this second go-around.

In other news, StumbleUpon (Firefox plugin, check. it. out.) has graced me with a rare gem. Eh, not gem, just some random experiment that supposedly improves your reading rate. Apparently, I went from 631 WPM to 857 WPM. That's right ladies, I read over 800 wpm. Mmmmmm. So there you have it, you're free to either wonder at my superhuman abilities or laugh at my mere mortal reading skill. I still have some doubts since it ain't sci'ntific 'n shit, but try it out yourself:

I could go for some gummi bears right now.


kiyoshi said...

you know that ish was filmed in chicago? i've probably made this point before, but i will say it again. chicago is that cool. i also saw the joker semi parked on LaSalle in the distance between where the 'private Northern Trust bus' dropped me off and the nearest Chipotle (my lunch destination)

Chuck said...

I guess that brog post was all part of the plan.